
Monday, August 29, 2011

Heart Rate Zones – Help My Exercise

Heart Rate Zones
Summary about Heart Rate Zones
Heart rate zones is a heart rate range that helps you maintain an intensity level while you work out. 

Which Zone you are ?
sports physicians have narrowed the human heart rate into five zones. The right zone depends on your routine. Here are heart rate zones for your exercise :

Zone I : Light Exercise,  Intensity Level 50% - 60%
Zone II : Weight Loss, Intensity Level 60% - 70%
Zone III : Base – Aerobic, Intensity Level 70% - 80%
Zone IV  : Conditioning, Intensity Level 80% - 90%
Zone V : Athletic – elite, Intensity Level 90% - 100%

How to find your target heart rate zones.
  • Calculate Maximum Heart Rate (Max HR)
  • Calculate Resting Heart Rate (RHR)
  • Calculate your target heart rate zones :
(MHR-RHR) x Percent level) + RHR
 That is your target heart rate.

see more detail about heart rate zones on

Maximum Heart Rate Formula

Maximum heart rate
Maximum heart rates can vary from 160 to 220. This variation is as large as a 60 or 90 year age gap. Various formulas are used to estimate individual maximum heart rates, based on age, but maximum heart rates vary significantly between individuals.
The most common formula devised in 1970 by Dr. William Haskell and Dr. Samuel Fox encountered, with no indication of standard deviation, is:
WOMEN MaxHR               : 226 - your age
MEN Max HR                     : 220 - your age

The above formula is still widely used by many trainers till now.

Resting Heart Rate Chart

Resting heart rate is the number of beats in one minute while you are at a complete rest state. Your resting heart rate indicates your basic overall heart health and fitness level
Normal resting heart rates can range anywhere from 40 to 100 beats per minute

learn more about Maximum Heart Rate

Target Heart Rate Formula

Zoladz Formula
For Zoladz method, your first need to determine exercise zones where you want it, then this method is derives exercise zones by subtracting values from HRmax :
Zone I: Intensity Level 50% - 60%
Zone II: Intensity Level 60% - 70%
Zone III: Intensity Level 70% - 80%
Zone IV: Intensity Level 80% - 90%
Zone V: Intensity Level 90% - 100%

THR = HRmax – Adjuster ± 5 bpm
Zone 1 Adjuster = 50 bpm
Zone 2 Adjuster = 40 bpm
Zone 3 Adjuster = 30 bpm
Zone 4 Adjuster = 20 bpm
Zone 5 Adjuster = 10 bpm

Karvonen Formula
The Karvonen method factors in resting heart rate (HRrest)* to calculate target heart rate (THR), using a range of 50–85% intensity: